International Business Times - 'Pokemon Go' Why Nintendo IOS and Android app to be a short-term fad

Posted by Fajar on Jumat, Juli 15, 2016

International Business Times - 'Pokemon Go' Why Nintendo IOS and Android app to be a short-term fad - "Pokemon Go" is an iOS and Android Monster, but based on this franchise application beloved Nintendo can only maintain its popularity for a time. Here are five reasons why "Pokemon Go" ultimately a short-term mode.

International Business Times - 'Pokemon Go' Why Nintendo IOS and Android app to be a short-term fad
Pokemon Go: Team Rocket Photo: OLM Inc./The Pokemon Company/Facebook

1) Too hot not to cool down "Pokemon Go" flew relatively under the radar, even during its closed beta test, but when the game exploded to the public, the Internet. This little shock is quickly honored as one of the most discussed topics of the web, and has been called the greatest of all time applications after a few days. He already made millions, and the price of Nintendo shares rose 30 percent. This level of current growth is unprecedented and it is likely that the trend can only go from here down. Even the slightest decrease in activity in the coming months could easily give the impression that the term loses traction. Once doubt taken, the public can always less interested. In other words, "Pokemon Go" could, a victim of its own record release end.

2) The speed of the mobile market: One of the features of the mobile market is the speed with which it moves. Download sizes are small, the ideas are quick and easy, and thousands of new applications gain favorable search ads per day. Android and iOS competition is crowded with many experienced designers. Mobile fads have come and gone in recent years. Remember, "Draw Something", "Words With Friends", "Angry Birds" and "Temple Run?" Of course, all these games still have probably dedicated players, but more no one talks about it. leading developers like Zynga and Rovio have even lost money after great success. The same seems very possible here.

3) to find the effort new Pokémon: Catch the idea of ​​traveling to the parks, cities and attractions Monster is new, but it is something that will keep the people do for months? young adult players particularly busy with work and family life. This game is to add something to this list that requires physical effort - and be the first to be cut when Heatsink hectic days. If the nostalgic crowd moved its popularity "Pokemon Go" suffer measurably. There are also geographical boundaries. Almost all now playing, but some parts of the world are not very mature with Pokemon. Players who live far from the cities not much fun with this application already, and the cooling effect will not continue without some changes points to spawn. In short, you get tiring physical effort.

4) the inevitable depletion of battery: Viral passion for "Pokemon Go", which is to discharge the battery and insect equal contempt. Niantic solve most technical problems, but some gaps are logistically inevitable. This particularly applies to problems with the battery. Games due to the location a lot of juice by the way they are designed drainage. They use the GPS device and reporting capabilities are constantly working. Improvements can be made, but these basic facts will not change. If the phones quickly die, it is clear that the biggest culprit - be - and the first elimination. Once a device is turned off, it is unlikely to be reinstated.

5) future generations are not iconic Nintendo, The Pokémon Company Niantic and took the wise decision its application for Android and iOS with the legendary first generation Pokémon to start. Finally, it is the best way not practicing both new fans and win at the same time. Everyone knows the original 150, and that familiarity is an important part of the fun. But hundreds of monsters that will eventually transform can not have the same kind of character. This could players be interested in some of the Pokémon that were lost, but could also alienate the list is growing. Players are notoriously so that new bonds difficult to form creatures of habit characters.

"Pokemon Go" is now available for free download on Android and iOS available.

Do you think the madness "Pokemon Go" to? Tell us in the comments!

Bang Tama
New Johny WussUpdated: Jumat, Juli 15, 2016

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