Why Losing Fat May Make You Look Fatter And How To Fix it

Posted by Fajar on Jumat, Juli 15, 2016

Why lose the fat you can look bigger - I have seen, and yet, when people begin their journey to fat loss. get rid At some point during your books, it is very possible that you may have as it did a little soft at the end before.

First ... DO NOT PANIC !!

Talking about why this is happening and what to do.

Why could I do chubbier

A calorie deficit is king when it comes to fat loss. You must take in fewer calories than you burn unsightly fat to remove.

This can not be avoided.

Why Losing Fat May Make You Look Fatter And How To Fix it
Why lose the fat you can look bigger

If, however, in a good calorie deficit can deplete muscle glycogen also (glycogen is stored essentially the fuel of carbohydrates in muscle activity).

If the muscles are full of glycogen, we look more complete and powerful.

When glycogen, the muscles can boast.

Consider filling it as a tire with air. Material of the tire is not lost (muscle), which only has less air (glycogen).

Now this is crucial, because if the muscles of glycogen depleted because of its caloric deficit, an effect that appears to have less muscle compared to their body fat are created ... This means more fat they really appear.

Glycogen depletion rates compared to rate of fat loss

You know how some people have lost 5-10 pounds in the first week of the diet, say? This is due to a combination of weight of water and glycogen. Water and gained muscle glycogen and stored. If you start the diet, glycogen is depleted and the combined water and muscle volume decreases.

They also have lost a few pounds of fat, but "looks" as they gained fat while the scale indicates otherwise.

The mirror can be very misleading.

Glycogen and muscle mass

Your body can store as much glycogen, which means you have lost only a limited amount of glycogen. Glycogen stores quickly exhausted without dieting, but do not worry!

While you are strength training, the muscles will get. Have you seen someone with an arm in a cast? When the arm is present in the distribution, it is much smaller and lost muscle. Why? Because it was not used!

So be sure to weight training during the regime. When fat loss and go back a muscle maintenance to eat to fill back.

So do not worry !!

If you show Leaner

If you exceed glycogen and water weight fat loss lose weight, then you will eventually show fat loss, you start have achieved.

The first month or can be a difficult time for many people. Especially if you support your success by what you see in the mirror.

Do not be discouraged!

This is temporary and blocks visible shortly after the road, start, for yourself, it can really see the fat loss.

If enough lean

Listen, you want to look lean and defined, even with their exhausted muscles. This is an excellent indicator that you have reached an ideal state. So if you have to eat in maintaining the muscles back fully, which makes it even better!


The first month of diet can be rough. Especially because in the mirror, it can be worse. Do not be discouraged!

Measure your waist and use the scale. These two are to pursue a strong combination for fat loss.

You saw a better air, it just takes time for your fat loss, the loss of glycogen to overcome / water.

Once this happens, the mirror begins to show what the scale and size measurements have said. You will receive a significant loss of fat!

You should be proud!

Please check http://www.anabolicalpha.com for more tips.

Bang Tama
New Johny WussUpdated: Jumat, Juli 15, 2016

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